Syphilis in WA: Women, pregnancy and what you need to know
The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing is hosting a syphilis professional learning webinar focusing on the ongoing outbreak in WA, syphilis in pregnancy and key messages for anyone working with priority populations.
About the webinar
The webinar will provide an overview of the ongoing syphilis outbreak in WA – why is it a concern, who is it impacting, and what is the response. Learn more about syphilis in pregnancy, congenital syphilis and current testing guidelines.
Participants will hear why an awareness of syphilis is important in their roles and how and when to integrate key syphilis messages in their work. There will be an opportunity for questions and sharing of useful resources.
This webinar will:
Provide an overview of syphilis infection and why it is a concern, including congenital syphilis.
Outline the history of the WA syphilis outbreak and current epidemiology.
Describe the current policy environment and testing guidelines.
Build knowledge of key syphilis messages for non-clinical professionals working with priority populations.
Strengthen understanding of what participants can do and how syphilis key messages fit in their roles.
Reference additional syphilis information and resources.
Who should attend?
Professionals who work in the women’s health, sexual violence and domestic and family violence sectors
Please note: The webinar will not have a clinical focus. However, clinicians are encouraged to attend and will find the information valuable.
Register via Eventbrite
About the presenters
Sharelle Tulloh | A/Senior Policy and Planning Officer, Sexual Health and Blood-Borne Virus Program, WA Department of Health
The Sexual Health and Blood-Borne Virus Program (SHBBVP) are responsible for the state-wide coordination of the prevention and control of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and blood-borne viruses in WA. Sharelle leads the sexual health team who manage contracts for government and non-government services to deliver a range of sexual health services, research and surveillance. The SHBBVP develop sexual health campaigns, websites and print resources for health professionals and community members including healthysexual.coml.au. Sharelle has worked in the sexual health sector for 7 years as a sexual health educator for young people and a facilitator of training for teachers, nurses and doctors. Prior to working in the sexual health sector, Sharelle was a teacher in Perth and assistant head teacher in London. She has a passion for reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with sexual health and empowering all people with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing.
Rachael Laing | Syphilis Health Promotion and Education, SHQ
Rachael Laing is the Syphilis Health Promotion & Education officer at SHQ, holding a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and Master of Public Health. Prior to starting at SHQ, she worked regionally in Karratha in chronic disease, Aboriginal health and sexual health promotion in a range of roles. She has two academic papers published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, in health literacy and physical activity respectively. Rachael also works on the headspace National Youth Reference Group, using her lived experience with mental illness as an advocate for youth mental health.
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