

In victim-survivors. In our services. In change.

Code of Practice

The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing and Stopping Family Violence have successfully advocated for the development and implementation of a Code of Practice (The Code) for specialist family and domestic violence services. 

Why do we need a Code of Practice

Apart from Tasmania, Western Australia is the only State without a quality assurance and improvement process for specialist family and domestic violence services.

The lack of quality standards results in service standard inconsistencies, individual services utilising precious resources to create their own standards and practices, the potential for poor performance and the risk of causing further harm to victim-survivors and a lack of accountability and monitoring of perpetrator’s behaviour patterns.


The purpose of The Code of Practice

The Code will provide an overarching framework for specialist family and domestic violence service provision with principles to be determined during co-design with the specialist family and domestic violence sector. 

The purpose of The Code of Practice is to articulate principles and standards to guide consistent quality service provision for services that are working towards reducing risk and creating safety for women and children experiencing violence.

If you wish to learn more, contact us at

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The Code of Practice is proudly supported by Department of Communities and Lotterywest



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