


Literature review

Within a Western Australian context, quality standard systems exist for health, alcohol and other drug, mental health, disability, aged care, early childhood and community housing sectors. However, apart from national perpetrator intervention Men’s Behaviour Change Program standards, the WA family and domestic violence sector has no equivalent quality standards system to guide its practice – despite it being an area of work with demonstrated high risk.

Introducing and implementing existing practice standards (e.g., Victoria and NSW codes) in Western Australia is not a viable option. Western Australia requires a code that reflects its unique context and is co-designed with specialist family and domestic violence services. Developing a code of practice with specialist family and domestic violence services will ensure The Code reflects the diversity of service models, provides considerations for the implication of responses to perpetrators and how they intersect with The Code, and increase sector ownership and buy-in for The Code through a continuous quality improvement process. 

Download the full report using the button below:

Executive Summary - Key Insights and Development

A key phase in the development of the Code of Practice was to facilitate consultation workshops with a variety of specialist family and domestic violence services across the state. In total, 24 consultations were conducted, covering all regions within the state.

The attached document, ‘Executive Summary, Key Insights, and Development,’ provides a snapshot of the initial insights and findings gathered from these consultations, marking a significant milestone in the Code of Practice development process.

Download the Executive Summary using the button below.

Code of Practice: Key Insights and Development Webinar

The Code of Practice: Key insights and development webinar held on 26 September 2023, provided participants with information on the development phase of the Code of Practice. This included discussions on:

  • key findings from the consultation period
  • priorities identified by each region in the development of the Code of Practice
  • a summary of the established principles
  • a sneak peek at one of the draft principles
  • next steps in the Code’s development.

Important notes: 

  • An Acknowledgement to Country and a Recognition of Victim Survivors were delivered during the Webinar prior to the commencement of the recording.
  • Audio difficulties occurred during the playing of the Code of Practice video. The video with audio can be viewed in the Code of Practice landing page.


Code of Practice Communiquè

The Code Communiqué provides quarterly updates on all areas of the development and implementation of the Code over the course of the project 2023-2025.

You can access the Code of Practice Communiqués below:

April 2024 Communiqué

January 2024 Communiqué

If you would like to subscribe to our quarterly editions, please complete the form below and we will add you to our mailing list.

Donate Now

Your donation will help the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing continue to advocate for women and children affected by family, domestic and sexual violence in Western Australia. It will help us continue to strive for better health for women and girls and move towards gender equality. 

Thank you for improving the lives of women and children in Western Australia. 

Donate Now
Your donation will help the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing continue to advocate for women and children affected by family, domestic and sexual violence in Western Australia. It will help us continue to strive for better health for women and girls and move towards gender equality.  Thank you for improving the lives of women and children in Western Australia. 
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