
Welcome to the
Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing

We are the leading voice for women and children affected by gender-based violence in Western Australia


Our role as an independent, representative peak body for women's specialist domestic and family violence, community-based women’s health and sexual assault services in Western Australia is underpinned by our recognition of the importance of gender equality to reduce violence against women and their children and promote their health and wellbeing.

We represent specialist women's domestic and family violence services, community-based women’s health and sexual assault services.

We work alongside organisations and practitioners who provide specialist support services across these three sectors.

We advocate for systemic reform to improve women's safety and justice, health and wellbeing.


As a peak body, our members include organisations and individuals that work to, or have an interest in, prevention of violence against women and their children, gender equality, and improving the health, wellbeing and safety outcomes of women. Together we can advance our shared vision of a safe and equitable world where women thrive


What is a peak body?

A peak body within the health and community sector is a representative, non-government organisation whose membership predominately consists of other organisations and/or individuals of allied interests. A peak body is generally recognised by other peaks and sectors as representative of the whole of their sector. Peak bodies offer a strong voice and important functions for their sector by undertaking key internal and external roles including advocacy and representation to decision makers, policy development, research and consultation, sector capacity building and information sharing.



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