
Unpacking Resistance – South West region

Preventing Violence Together, a WA collaboration co-chaired by Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing and Stopping Family Violence, is hosting a one-day face-to-face course to give you the confidence to understand and respond to backlash and resistance.

About the training

A one-day face-to-face course for practitioners who are getting started in the prevention of violence against women (PVAW)* sector, or for experienced practitioners who are seeking to ensure they have the confidence to understand and respond to resistance when it arises.

Thursday 23 February 2023  |  9.00am-4.00pm
Participants must be able to attend the whole day in person.


If you work in gender equality or primary prevention of violence against women then you’ve most likely experienced backlash and resistance. Dealing with it comes with the terrain and is a normal part of any social change. That doesn’t mean that figuring out how to navigate resistance isn’t challenging, and sometimes a bit scary.

This one day face-to-face course will give you the confidence to respond to resistance when it arises. From denial to backlash, to understanding why people might resist gender equality work, you’ll be equipped with the strategies and skills to create meaningful and sustainable change. You’ll also receive a toolkit of tried and tested resources to help you create behavioural change in your work.

The course is based on training developed by industry leaders, Safe and Equal, and adapted for use in Western Australia. This course offering is one in a series of pilot sessions that requests comprehensive participant feedback to improve and adapt the training for the Western Australian context. Pilot sessions will be offered free of charge; however, places are limited.

Training participants will learn:

How to identify the different forms and levels of resistance

The core principles and strategies to apply when responding to forms of resistance

Skills to open up dialogue and feel more confident in having challenging conversations

Strategies to support your wellbeing when encountering resistance

Who should attend?

Professionals working in specialist family and domestic violence services, and whose work may involve preventing family and domestic violence.

Professionals partnering with specialist family and domestic services to deliver prevention of violence against women activities.

Professionals committed to developing and delivering primary prevention of violence against women activities.

Note: Although there are no pre-requisites to attend this training, participants are expected to have a strong understanding of the nature, prevalence and impacts of violence against women, as well as the drivers of violence against women. Therefore, it is highly recommended that participants have completed Prevention in Practice before attending this training.




Bunbury or Busselton (exact venue to be confirmed).


Register for this training course via Eventbrite


*Family and domestic violence is a prevalent and pervasive form of violence against women and their children and can be prevented by addressing the same drivers that relate more broadly to violence against women and their children.


Feb 23 2023


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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