
Domestic and Family Violence Information Sharing Webinar

About the workshop

A common finding in reviews and reports investigating family and domestic violence fatalities is that there are usually many different services (both FDV specialist and non-FDV services) involved with the family prior to the fatal event. Further, these services often had pieces of critical information about the experiences of the victim(s) and/or the behaviour of the perpetrator but rarely shared it across other involved services. This has resulted in service gaps, underestimation of i risk, or well-meaning but ultimately unsafe responses. Such reports reveal that sharing information is critical to providing safe, integrated and holistic responses.

Unfortunately, sharing information is often impeded by misunderstandings and confusion about who can share, what information can be shared, and when this should occur.

This 90-minute training reviews current legislation and best practice principles for sharing information where there are concerns for the wellbeing of a person/s impacted by family and domestic violence.

It aims to highlight existing legislation in Western Australia that supports information sharing, and current understanding about best practice for doing so. This training will clarify who can share information, what can be shared and the mechanisms to enable that information to be shared.

Learning Objectives:

o Understand the importance and role of information sharing when responding to family and domestic violence

o Know the legislation and frameworks that support information sharing in WA

o Articulate best practice principles for information sharing

o Understand consent, privacy and confidentiality 

o Understand who can share, what can be shared and under which circumstances 

o Identify the current gaps and barriers

o Understand effective referrals and the role of accountable documentation and notes

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for any practitioner or professional who may come into contact with survivors or perpetrators of family and domestic violence (irrespective of whether that service provides a direct response to family and domestic violence). This workshop will be especially useful for practitioners or professionals providing a direct service within the family and domestic violence sector and the women’s community health sector.




Register for the workshop via Eventbrite 

Download workshop flyer

About the facilitators

Keri-Ann Smith is a registered psychologist and family and domestic violence consultant and trainer. She is currently working as a private practitioner specialising in family and domestic violence; whilst providing training in family and domestic violence to both Government and non-Government agencies.

Keri-Ann was previously employed in the Family and Domestic Violence Unit (Dept of Communities) for several years as a specialist practitioner, providing strategic direction and policy advice to senior management and the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence.

Although she has worked on numerous projects, the most challenging have always been those involving information sharing. Through these projects Keri-Ann has developed a sound understanding of the relevant legislation and practice frameworks in Western Australia that support and enable information sharing. Furthermore, her practical experience across two different government agencies, and now as a private practitioner, has provided her with additional insight into the gaps, barriers and effective workarounds that exist in WA.


Mar 15 2022


10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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