SWitCH (Supporting Women in the Community Holistically) is a locally-based, integrated wraparound service for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. Orana House recognised that for many women, support is needed many months and even years after the crisis is over, and they wanted to provide a safe, welcoming place for them to come for support at any point in their journey.
The SWitCH Social Program has been developed in consultation with our clients to provide an opportunity for women and their children to socialise together and develop informal support networks and friendships, which have so often been limited or lost while living in unsafe, abusive situations. Bringing up children as a single mother on a limited income can be lonely and very hard work.
This service offers
- Domestic violence education and self-esteem workshops
- Parenting programs with music and storytelling
- and accessing education and work pathways.
Please see the services main website for the up to date list of group sessions that are available.