This service supports safer communities for both men and women, to help improve how they interact with their partners and families when domestic violence has been involved. This program offers both individual and group counselling services, divided into a program for women and one for men.
This program provides support, advocacy and referral services to people affected by family and domestic violence. The community based program aims to fill a gap in support services for both men and women who wish to improve their abusive and violent behaviours.
The Benefits of Safer Communities
Our Safer Communities program provides assistance to both men and women to better understand and improve their intimate family relationships including:
- Recognising unsafe situations and making appropriate choices to minimise the impact of these
- Managing emotions such as how to have a disagreement without aggression
- Strategies to be a supportive partner, work on oneself to become happier, healthier and a better partner.
Our Safer Communities program is available to all men and women living within WA who identify as having used violent behaviours in their relationships and are motivated to achieving positive behavioral changes. The program operates from offices situated in Armadale, Cannington, Kwinana and Perth, Western Australia.