This service is for callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech impairment.
- A call through the NRS lets you communicate with a hearing person who is using a phone even if you can’t hear or don’t use your voice.
- The NRS has specially trained staff called Relay Officers who help with every call.
- Depending on the type of call, a Relay Officer will change voice to text or text to voice and AUSLAN to English or English to AUSLAN.
- Relay officers stay on the line throughout each call to help it go smoothly, but don’t change or get in the way of what is being said.
- Except for calls made through Video Relay, the NRS is available 24 Hours a day, every day.
- Depending on your hearing and speech, and equipment you have, you can choose from one or more relay call types.
How to use
TTY/Voice Calls: Phone 133 677 and ask them to contact the number of the service you want to connect with.
Speak and Listen: Phone 1300 555 727 and ask them to contact the number of the service you want to connect with.