
Funding the Frontline across Australia

Today, the National Alliance of Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services – representing more than 200 specialist service providers, including the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing, and thousands of frontline workers and others working to end domestic, family and sexual violence across the country – met with Zoe Daniels MP and other independents in Canberra to call for an immediate uplift in investment and support for frontline specialist family violence and sexual assault services across the country. 

Our campaign Fund the Frontline has six clear asks:

  1. A long-term National Partnership Agreement between State and Federal Governments to ensure ongoing and sustainable funding for all specialist family violence services across the country.
  2. Substantial investment in frontline specialist sexual assault services to meet increasing demand and allow diversification of programs.
  3. A comprehensive National Workforce Strategy, including a robust First Nations Workforce Strategy.
  • Increased input from specialist domestic and family violence experts to the National Partnership Agreements on housing and homelessness and the forthcoming National Housing and Homelessness Plan.
  • Stronger investment in First Nations services to support community-led responses to violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.
  • A dedicated funding stream for women’s legal services, to respond to gender-based violence as part of the National Legal Assistance Partnership.

We are calling on the Commonwealth Government to commit to the above as a matter of urgency – because no one should miss out on the vital support they need to live free from violence.

Read the full statement here.



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