

In victim-survivors. In our services. In change.

Update on the Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce

The Hon. Sabine Winton MLA, Minister for Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence convened a Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce to consider and provide advice about reforms, and identify actions to strengthen responses to family and domestic violence in Western Australia.

Establishment of a Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce was a key measure requested by the family and domestic violence sector and lived experience advocates at Crisis Talks with Premier Roger Cook on August 31st, 2023.

The taskforce is time-limited, planned for six months. The first meeting was held on 19 September 2023. For more information, please see the Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce – Terms of Reference

Taskforce members

For information Family and Domestic Violence Taskforce members please see here

For an overview and progress to date, please see here



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