Women’s Legal Service Western Australia (WLSWA) is the only specialist gender-specific community legal centre. WLSWA have been delivering legal assistance to women statewide for more than twenty years.
Legal practice areas include family law, child protection and care matters, family and domestic violence and criminal injuries compensation.
The specialised legal services provided by WLSWA ensure that clients, the vast majority of whom present with multiple legal issues, access a single legal service that is responsive to their needs.
WLSWA prioritises women who experience disadvantage across multiple areas, because of their cultural, social and economic circumstances.
WLSWA also promotes and advocates for women’s human rights to be upheld, redresses inequalities experienced by women and fosters legal and social change through a range of strategic activities, including community legal education and evidence-based law and policy reform advocacy.
Alternate phone number: 1800 625 122