This service provides counselling services for women from age 16 and upwards. We provide a place where all our client’s concerns are taken seriously whatever they may be. The most common issues identified during counselling are anxiety, depression, relationship and family issues.
The Women’s Health Program offers low cost professional individual counselling for general emotional well-being. The women attending are often experiencing major life stressors including domestic violence or relationship breakdown, raising children with disabilities, severe and chronic anxiety, depression, low self esteem and other difficulties. A holistic service such as this, which links in to other services, can be particularly helpful.
This service also provides gentle exercise classes, and a term-by-term Self Esteem or Assertiveness Therapeutic Group. These groups and courses can provide a comfortable and supportive environment to assist women to reach their full potential.
This program also enables us to network and liaise with providers, such as domestic violence services, to best utilise resources and projects for local women using the social model of health.