Provides direct services to the target groups to deal effectively with the effects of harm caused by child sexual abuse in families and communities (including trauma, guilt, pain, fear and other damaging personal and interpersonal effects), and to prevent child sexual abuse from recurring.
This program focuses on supporting all Australians, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families living in the Gascoyne, region who have been affected by the trauma of child sexual abuse, family domestic Violence /or family violence.
The Carnarvon Family Support Service provides: family and financial counselling, sexual assault counselling, domestic violence counselling.
The Community Counselling service is provided by a qualified Psychologist throughout the Gascoyne region and includes early prevention, intervention and community development to assist clients at risk of homelessness, sexual assault, domestic violence and family relationships.
The service is based in Carnarvon, however, conducts counselling by telephone with Exmouth and Denham clients, as well as dealing directly in the recovery of child victims and their families. This includes people who are now adults but were abused as children.