
Pets in Crisis Program


Opening Times

RSPCA WA Animal Care Centre Opening Times: – Tuesday to Friday 9am-5pm – Saturday 9am-4pm – Sunday by appointment only – Monday closed. However, Pets in Crisis staff are available: Monday to Friday 7:30am-4:30pm, Saturdays and Sundays 7:30am-4pm

Contact Details

Phone: (08) 9209 9335


Location: 108 Malaga Drive, Malaga WA

Service Details

The Pets in Crisis program is a free service providing a temporary home for pets whose owners are experiencing immediate family and domestic violence. Pets are placed in a loving foster home while their owner seeks refuge or temporary accommodation of their own.

The Pets in Crisis program is offered throughout Perth and the metropolitan area, the South West, and in the Great Southern.

The service is available via a referral from a caseworker onlyPets in Crisis is open to all domestic pets including cats, dogs and pocket pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, etc.) for up to three months. This is not a crisis service, the Pets in Crisis team is only available during normal business hours.

Service Type

Services for Pets

Regions Serviced

South West, Great Southern, Metropolitan Perth and various regional locations, Metropolitan Perth

Referrals / Suitability

– Referral forms can be found here: – The Program does not liaise with clients directly; a caseworker is required to submit all referral paperwork on the client’s behalf as well as act as a liaison (between the client and Program) throughout the pet’s time in the Program. – For pets to be accepted into the Program, they must be sterilised, up to date with vaccinations and the client must be the legal owner. If the pets are not sterilised and/or vaccinated, this will be arranged upon entry into the Program (these costs will be covered by the Program). A microchip number is required to confirm ownership (this is typically a 10–15-digit number). If the pet is not microchipped, then a stat dec is required, declaring ownership and the pet will then be microchipped upon entry into the Program. If the pet is microchipped, but registered under a different name to the client, they cannot be accepted into the Program until the details have been updated to be in the client’s name.

If any details on this service are incorrect, or if you are the owner of this service and would like us to update these details, please use these online forms.

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