
Legal and advocacy services


Opening Times

Mon to Thurs: ​8.30am – 4pm

Contact Details

Phone: (08) 9842 8566
Not Available


4/15 Peels Pl, Albany WA 6330

Service Details

This service provides legal and advocacy services to the Great Southern community. Our services are directed to those who would not otherwise be able to access legal and advocacy services, either because they are ineligible for legal aid or because they cannot afford the services of a private lawyer.

This service offers support in the following areas:

  • Cars and driving
  • Child protection
  • Criminal injuries compensation
  • Family law
  • Family Violence (including Conduct Agreement orders, Family Violence Restraining orders, Safety planning, Elder abuse)
  • Managing your affairs
  • Money matters
  • Neighbourhood disputes

An initial appointment may be with a solicitor or paralegal, depending on the service area.

Any ongoing assistance after an initial appointment is at the ultimate discretion of the Principal Solicitor and will be determined in consideration of the Centre’s capacity, funding and areas of expertise. There is no guarantee of ongoing support.

In the event this Centre is not best placed to assist you, best efforts will be made to refer you onto an appropriate service who could help.

Service Type

Legal Assistance Services

Regions Serviced

Great Southern

Referrals / Suitability

​Any person living in the region bounded by Walpole, Kojonup, Wagin, Lake King, Hopetoun and Albany can book for an initial appointment. Ongoing assistance will only be available to disadvantaged and at risk members of our community. Please call the service directly for additional service information.

If any details on this service are incorrect, or if you are the owner of this service and would like us to update these details, please use these online forms.

Other services offered by Albany Community Legal Centre:



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