This service works collaboratively with other service providers to deliver culturally appropriate, free, accessible, equitable, efficient and effective legal assistance casework, counselling and court support to Aboriginal adults and children who are victims/survivors of family violence, including sexual assault/abuse, or who are at immediate risk of such violence.
This also includes provision of advocacy, community legal education and early intervention and prevention activities.
The vision is for Aboriginal people in Noongar country to be free from family violence.
This service can:
Help – by providing a first point of contact for those facing legal or quasi-legal issues. Sometimes legal issues can be complicated and confusing and it means a lot to people to be able to give us a call and then hang up the phone with a better understanding of what is going on and what they can do about it.
Give real support – by offering representation in court proceedings and appeals to clients, including preparation for these beforehand.
Listen – by servicing clients on a face to face level and promoting FVPLS and what help we can provide.
Conduct outreach visits in the region (including, Cranbrook, Katanning and Kojonup).