This service offers support to women and children escaping Family and Domestic Violence and experiencing homelessness through Domestic Violence. Support is also provided for homelessness and other crisis, including supplies of bedding, food, clothing and toiletries if needed.
Support, referrals, advocacy and information to those using the service – staff will assist you with information to help you decide about housing, legal and income issues. This service can refer you to other services like a counsellor to discuss your feelings and choices at this time.
Refuge staff are there to help you, NOT tell you what to do.
The refuge provides childcare by appointment. The refuge will help enrol children in the local school and other local activities in the area. Activities are organised at the refuge (art, bush walks, picnics at the park etc.).
Counselling for all children affected by domestic violence is available in Esperance.
Outreach support is available for remote communities, north to Norseman and west to Hopetoun/Ravensthorpe.