
Social Media and survivors (practitioner only)

About the workshop

This one-hour webinar covers the most common social media platforms used by Australians. We will discuss how DFV perpetrators commonly misuse social media and what can be done to support victim-survivors.

We’ll also look at the data these platforms collect, store and share, and cover how victim-survivors can maximise the built-in privacy and security settings, use the abuse-reporting features and potentially document abuse.

Who should attend?

For practitioners who work in the domestic, family and sexual violence sector


$11 (incl. GST) which includes access to the entire Technology Facilitated Abuse Series.

Ticket price includes registration for all 6 Technology Facilitated Abuse Series webinars. You will receive an email containing an individual link for each webinar in the days before the event. If you do not wish to attend a specific webinar, please disregard the email.


Register for the workshop via Eventbrite

About the facilitator

Presented to Jo Colautti, Wesnet Technology Safety Specialist

Joanna Colautti is a Technology Safety Specialist for WESNET where she provides training and technical advice on technology safety issues to front-line service providers. Prior to joining WESNET Joanna worked as a domestic violence solicitor at Djirra (previously known as the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Service Victoria), civil law/family law solicitor at Legal Aid NSW, domestic violence solicitor at Women’s Legal Service QLD and Early Intervention Family Law Solicitor/ Domestic Violence Solicitor at the Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre. Joanna has extensive experience working directly with clients who have experienced domestic and/ or family violence and assisting them with the legal issues that arise as a result of experiencing this abuse. Joanna provided face to face legal advice, casework assistance and court advocacy in the legal areas of family law, child protection, domestic violence orders, debt and victims compensation.



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