LGBTIQA+ and Domestic & Family Violence (DFV) and Intimate Partner Violence (face to face)
About the workshop
This 3-hour workshop provides information on DFV/IPV in LGBTIQA+ relationships and communities. Participants will gain an understanding of the many obstacles and challenges faced by LGBTIQA+ people that impacts their help-seeking and reporting. Through case studies, attendees will learn of the different kinds of violence that can occur in LGBTIQA+ relationships and how power and control is experienced. With knowledge gained, service providers will be better able to create an inclusive, safe and trusted environment to meet LGBTIQA+ people’s specific needs.
This workshop provides a safe and supportive space for attendees to ask any questions they may have.
This event will also be held online on Wednesday March 9th.
Learning Objectives:
On completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
o Recognise how biases, identify based abuse, minority stress, stigma and discrimination impact LGBTIQA+ people and communities experiencing FDV/IPV
o Describe the distinct forms and experiences of FDV/IPV in relationships for LGBTIQA+ people and families
o Recognise the unique factors that impact different members across the spectrum of the LGBTIQA+ community who experience or use violence
o Increase understanding of LGBTIQA+ peoples DFV/IPV help-seeking behaviours and needs
o Identify best practice responses and strategies to increase safety within LGBTIQA+ relationships and meet client set goals and outcomes
o Identify various LGBTIQA+ groups that can assist with access to supports and referral pathways
Who should attend?
This workshop is suitable for practitioners and professionals working in the domestic, family or sexual violence sector and the women’s community health sector.
Register for the workshop via Eventbrite
Download workshop flyer
About the facilitators
Connection And Wellbeing Australia (CAWA) is a Social Enterprise whose focus is on providing training and support for organisations, community groups and individuals, to work towards our vision of a mentally healthy, inclusive and suicide safer community. This workshop will be delivered by Bella Broadway (she/her).
Bella Broadway
Bella has worked in a number of sectors including mental health, education, supported accommodation and others, and across government, not for profit and corporate spaces. Bella is passionate about creating safe spaces to talk about hard issues and sees these as the key to making sure that all people seeking help receive safe, informed and best practice support.
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