

In victim-survivors. In our services. In change.

Dr Wendy Bunston- Listening to the voices of infants and children who have experienced domestic and family violence

About the workshop

Infants and very young children are at the greatest risk of harm and death from domestic and family violence than any other age group in childhood and adolescence but are the least likely to receive services and supports. Children who experience family and domestic violence are victim survivors in their own right. They require that professionals strengthen their practice skills in listening to the voice of children. This session will provide useful practice advice for professionals when listening to the voice of infants and children who experience family and domestic violence.

Learning objectives:

Learning how to observe and think about the infant/child, and to use what is occuring in front of you to help families build new pathways of relating which energises and grows healing and enhances healthy attachments.

To gain an appreciation of the research and literature on early brain development and the impacts of trauma, and how to use this knowledge respectfully and usefully in practice.

How to use yourself as a worker, to bring about space of gentle curiosity, reflection and playfulness which affirms a narrative of restoration.

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for practitioners or professionals who work with mothers, infants and children who have or may be experiencing domestic and family violence. This workshop will be especially useful for practitioners or professionals providing a direct service in a women’s refuge or similar domestic and family violence service.

Domestic and family violence practitioners, support and women’s refuge workers, child advocates, safe at home workers, child and family trauma counsellors and child protection staff are encouraged to attend.


$90.00 + GST


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About the facilitator

Dr Wendy Bunston is a vibrant and passionate speaker who runs WB training and consultancy and is an adjunct lecturer at La Trobe University, Victoria Australia.

She specialises in directly working with infants, children and their parents impacted by domestic and family violence, as well as providing reflective supervision and training to multiple early childhood homelessness, maternal child health and counselling services across Melbourne and Australia.


Jun 10 2022


9:15 am - 3:15 pm

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2 Delhi Street, West Perth


Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing

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