
Family Violence and Sexual Harm: Research Report 2023

Sexual harm in the context of family and domestic violence can include experiences such as: rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, image based abuse, control of sexual health decision-making, and any other unwanted sexual behaviour, whether online or in person. While much national and international literature recognises the intersections of family and domestic violence and sexual harm, there is as yet little research and policy within Australia generally that addresses the co-occurrence of family and domestic violence and sexual harm experienced by adult victim/ survivors. This research begins to address this important evidence gap. It seeks to expand the knowledge base with respect to both the nature of victim survivor experiences of co-occurring family and domestic violence and sexual harm, as well as supporting improvement in effective service delivery within the family and domestic violence and sexual assault sectors. The findings demonstrate the importance of understanding and responding to the:
  • Lived experience and support needs of victim survivors of co-occurring family and domestic violence and sexual harm
  • Need for improved collaboration between the family vand domestic violence and sexual assault sectors, and
  • Gaps in services as well as workforce development and training to address co-occurring family and domestic violence and sexual harm.
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