
Stakeholder Survey 2021

In November 2021, the Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing conducted our first annual Stakeholder Survey. The aims of the survey were to better understand the needs of CWSW stakeholders, and inform CWSW membership offerings moving forwards.

28 participants from family and domestic violence, sexual assault and women’s health organisations across metropolitan and regional areas participated. Most survey participants worked for organisations with a sole or main focus on family and domestic violence. Around a third had a sole or main focus on women’s community health, and almost a quarter on sexual assault support services. Around a third of participants worked for organisations with a focus across more than one area. These percentages reflect the composition of services in the sectors CWSW represents.

Survey Findings

There was particularly high interest in CWSW’s role as a peak body to focus on:

  • Sharing research/ evidence-informed practice

  • Advocating for systems and service reform for improved safety, health and wellbeing outcomes for women and girls in WA

  • Advocating for, and representing, the sector

  • New CWSW events

  • Development of resources that support practice development

There was strong interest in
a wide range of professional learning and development opportunities, in

  • Trauma-informed care

  • Domestic and family violence and parenting

  • Domestic/family/sexual violence and children and young people

  • Knowledge, practice and responses to violence against: Aboriginal women; women with disabilities; women with mental health and/or alcohol and other drug use issues; women with complex trauma or social circumstances; LGBTQI+ women; and women in rural and remote areas

Participants valued CWSW membership to:

  • Stay connected to the sector

  • Collaborate and unify as a sector

  • Improve standards, influence policy and practice

  • Access professional learning and development opportunities

Participants would like CWSW community engagement to be guided by the principles of:

  • Accessibility and inclusivity

  • Collaborating and connectivity

There was particular interest in receiving communication on the following topics:

  • Information about what is happening in the sector

  • Updates on emerging trends and issues associated with violence against women, and women’s health

  • Summaries of new/best practice research evidence

These survey findings form a starting point for guiding ongoing formal and informal stakeholder engagement opportunities moving forwards. Specifically, the survey findings will be used to guide the development of:

  • Professional learning and development offerings

  • Communications strategies, including the CWSW website, newsletter, social media channels and frequency of communications

  • A consumer engagement strategy, including the guiding principles to engaging with stakeholders, in particular those from marginalised groups and communities

  • CWSW events

  • Membership offerings

The findings also provide a useful baseline and benchmark against which CWSW can monitor performance and continuously improve. An annual survey will be distributed moving forwards to support this, in addition to ongoing stakeholder engagement opportunities.

Thank you to everyone who took part – we are very appreciative of your time and feedback.

CWSW Stakeholder Survey 2021 Infographic



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