

In victim-survivors. In our services. In change.

‘Changing Gears: Women Behind the Wheel’ – a new CWSW project

The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing is pleased to be the recipient of a new four-year Department of Communities grant to assist women who have experienced domestic and family violence to build their independence, and develop the skills and confidence needed, to gain a driving licence, by providing financial support for subsidised driving lessons for women exiting refuge. The project is part of the McGowan Government 2021 Election Commitment Supporting Survivors package.

Over the four-year term of the grant the Centre will facilitate a staged disbursement of the funding. A 12-month pilot phase, commencing in late 2021, will be followed by a comprehensive review of the pilot and refined brokerage program delivered for the remaining term (2023-2025). This staged approach aims to ensure the structure of the project meets the needs of women who have experienced domestic and family violence and the services they are engaged with, disburses funding efficiently and effectively, and supports improved outcomes for women.

During the initial 12-month pilot phase Changing Gears grants will be available for eligible women who are currently accommodated in a refuge or have recently exited a refuge (within a three-month period) and are engaged with outreach services. Grants are available to fund a range of activities that are necessary to support the skills development and attainment of a driving licence.

The grants are available for women across Western Australia. In the unlikely event the project is oversubscribed, applications will be assessed, and priority given to Aboriginal women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women in regional and remote locations.

For more information, including the Grant Guidelines and application form, please visit our Projects page. 



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