

In victim-survivors. In our services. In change.

New Escaping Family Violence Payment program

As part of its $1.1 billion commitment in the 2021-22 Federal Budget to help end violence against women and children, the Commonwealth Government recently announced the two-year pilot Escaping Family Violence Payment program to provide financial assistance and wrap-around support to assist people to escape family violence. The national Escaping Violence Payment program will be led by the UnitingCare Network and is delivered by Uniting WA in Western Australia.

The Escaping Family Violence Payment program provides assistance of up to $5,000 for individuals, including financial assistance up to $1,500 along with goods, services, and wrap-around support for anyone leaving a violent partner. The program is available to anyone who is experiencing violence from their partners. This includes violent or threatening behaviour that is: 

Financial insecurity is one of the major barriers for women that stops them leaving a violent partner and, in some cases, is a factor which contributes to why some return to an abusive partner.

Accessing the payment

Applicants do not need to be connected to Uniting WA to access the program. Applications can be made by individuals or support services.

Access to the program is via the Uniting Vic.Tas website. Click ‘Contact us’ to complete and submit a form. Someone from the program team will respond within 48 hours a form submission. Full eligibility details and FAQs can also be found on the website.



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