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Women's Community Based Health Services

All efforts were made to ensure the information contained in the Directory is true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact the accuracy of the information.

Family and Domestic Violence Hub, Family and Domestic Violence Services for Children, Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan North East
Phone: 0428 960 382,
Address: 30 Chesterfield Road Mirrabooka, WA 6061
Opening Times: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 3:30
Referrals / Suitability: Sudbury Empowerment and Employment Development Service (SEEDS) is a service dedicated to providing support to women impacted by FDV. We believe that every woman deserves to feel safe, supported and empowered to navigate the challenges of FDV and rebuild their lives. Our aim is to equip this target group with the necessary skills, knowledge and support they need to increase their economic participation and promote their independence. As such, we provide multiple pathways for them to enhance their wellbeing and increase their employment prospects including personalised support, skills training, mentoring, and volunteering. Referrals/Suitability Information: • Must be a woman who has experienced domestic and family violence. • Must be connected to the Mirrabooka region. • Must be actively working towards improving their personal and professional life, with the goal of achieving economic stability and independence.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: South West
Phone: 1800 673 350
Address: 19 Fielder Street PO Box 6049 Bunbury WA 6230
Opening Times: Our office hours are Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 4pm.
Referrals / Suitability: To make an appointment please phone the service directly.
Counselling and Advocacy, Family and Domestic Violence, Family and Domestic Violence Groups, Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Metropolitan Perth
Phone: (08) 6330 5400
Address: Luma, Northbridge: 227 Newcastle Street Northbridge WA 6003.
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please see the Luma website for referral pathways to the different programs.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan South West including Peel
Phone: (08) 9431 0500
Address: 114 South Street, (corner of Edmund Street) Fremantle WA 6160
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please contact Fremantle Women’s Health Centre directly, for more information.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Mid West and Gascoyne
Organisation: Desert Blue Connect
Phone: (08) 9964 2742
Address: 25 Chapman Rd, Geraldton WA 6530
Opening Times: Mon- Fri 8.30am-5.00pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please refer to Desert Blue’s main website for referral forms to various programs.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan South East, Metropolitan Perth
Phone: (08) 9490 2258
Address: Suite 7, Level 1 Gosnells Community Lotteries House, 2232c Albany Highway Gosnells WA
Opening Times: Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday 9am – 4.30pm Thursday 9am – 8.30pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please see the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services main website for referral forms to programs.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan South West including Peel
Organisation: South Coastal Women’s Health Centre
Phone: (08) 9550 0900
Address: 4 Civic Boulevard, Rockingham, WA 6168
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm
Referrals / Suitability: To access South Coastal Health and Community Services or South Coastal Babingur Mia you can be referred by a GP, other agency or self-refer. Please see the services main website for referral forms.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Pilbara
Organisation: Nintirri Women’s Health Service
Phone: 0447 151 031
Address: 2 Central Rd, Tom Price WA 6751
Opening Times: Drop-in service: Mon – Fri, 8am – 2pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please contact the service directly for information on referrals and suitability.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan North East, Metropolitan Perth
Phone: (08) 9250 2221
Address: 24 Junction Parade, Midland WA 6056
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.30pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please contact Midland Women’s Health Care Place directly for information on how to refer to or access services.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan North West, Metropolitan Perth, Perth Metropolitan South East
Phone: (08) 9345 5335
Address: 21 Sudbury Road Mirrabooka WA 6061 31 Manning Road Cannington WA 6107
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please refer to Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services main website for the Referral Form. Service providers can refer a client or women may self refer.
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Pilbara
Organisation: Hedland Well Women’s Centre
Phone: (08) 9140 1124
Address: 2B Leake St, South Hedland, WA, 6722
Opening Times: Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm
Referrals / Suitability: For more information call on 08 9140 1124 You can also connect with us by sending us a private message on Facebook or email us at
Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Goldfields-Esperance
Organisation: Goldfield’s Women’s Healthcare Centre
Phone: (08) 9021 8266
Address: 15 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie
Opening Times: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4.00pm
Referrals / Suitability: Please contact Goldfields Women’s Health Care Centre for information on how to access the programs.
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