Family and Domestic Violence Hub, Family and Domestic Violence Services for Children, Women’s Community Based Health Services
Region: Perth Metropolitan North East
Phone: 0428 960 382,
Address: 30 Chesterfield Road
Mirrabooka, WA 6061
Opening Times: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 3:30
Referrals / Suitability: Sudbury Empowerment and Employment Development Service (SEEDS) is a service dedicated to providing support to women impacted by FDV. We believe that every woman deserves to feel safe, supported and empowered to navigate the challenges of FDV and rebuild their lives. Our aim is to equip this target group with the necessary skills, knowledge and support they need to increase their economic participation and promote their independence. As such, we provide multiple pathways for them to enhance their wellbeing and increase their employment prospects including personalised support, skills training, mentoring, and volunteering.
Referrals/Suitability Information:
• Must be a woman who has experienced domestic and family violence.
• Must be connected to the Mirrabooka region.
• Must be actively working towards improving their personal and professional life, with the goal of achieving economic stability and independence.