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I believe that men’s violence against women and their children is not confined to a particular social group, community, income bracket or location – it is a scourge that permeates every part of our society.

I believe there is no “perfect” victim of men’s violence against women. I commit to believing all victim survivors.

I believe that men’s violence against women is driven by gender inequality in society along with the ongoing effects of racism and colonialisation. I commit to addressing that inequality at every level.

I believe that ending men’s violence against women and their children will require decades of consistent work across all levels of government. I commit to supporting long term, fully funded sustainable solutions.

I believe children are victims in their own right and that the use of violence is a parenting choice. I commit to ensuring child victims are supported to recover after violence and thrive into adulthood.

I believe safety is a human right and that women and children deserve to feel safe in their own homes. I commit to ensuring emergency, transitional and long term accommodation options are fully funded for the long term.

I believe the wealth of expertise that is held by women with lived experience and specialist family and domestic violence services. I commit to honouring their stories and letting their experiences drive reform.

I believe that gender-based violence is a powerful contributor to women’s ill-health. I commit to advocating for safe, trauma-informed, non-stigmatising health services.

I believe that women’s health and women’s health services matter. I commit to ensuring that essential health and support services are available for all women, regardless of their income, background or location.

Write to your local member

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Family and Domestic Violence

To (insert name here)


RE: Urgent action on violence against women and children


I am writing to you as my local member of Government about a human rights issue that is of great importance to me and the whole community. Western Australia has the second highest rates of family and domestic violence in the country. Women and children across our State are dying and living in fear because of men’s violence. This is as unacceptable as it is preventable. 


We know the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, the Hon. Sabine Winton MLA, has committed to fighting the scourge that is family and domestic violence to make WA a safer place for women and children. As my local MP I urge you to make representation to the Minister on the issues I am raising. 



EXAMPLE: Every day in our community we hear of the devastating effects family, domestic and sexual violence has on women and children. These ongoing effects can be physical, mental, economic and social and permeate every aspect of our communities.  


Statistics show that if you have not experienced family, domestic and/or sexual violence then you likely know someone who has. Equally, men in all corners of society perpetrate violence and are currently not being held sufficiently accountable for their actions. Violence is at unprecedented levels, and we need urgent change in this epidemic. 


 To keep women and children safe, the State Government must: 

  • Fully fund specialist family and domestic violence services so they can assist every woman and child seeking help. 
  • Provide access to stable or long-term accommodation for women and children escaping family and domestic violence.
  • Support the family and domestic violence workforce to be safe when keeping women and children safe.
  • Invest in long-term social change by educating children and young people about respectful relationships.
  • Make families and communities safer by ensuring perpetrators are kept in view and held accountable for choosing to use violence.  

 Thank you for your time and advocacy on this vitally important social issue. 




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Sexual Violence

To (insert name here)


RE: Urgent action on violence against women and children


I am writing to you as my local member of Government about the devastating impact sexual violence has on Western Australian communities. Despite high rates in our community little has changed for the victim-survivors of these acts.  Victim-survivors receive little support along their justice and healing journey.  


The Minister for Health, the Hon. Amber Jade Sanderson MLA, and the Minister for Women Sue Ellery have committed to making Western Australia a safer place for women and children. As my local MP I urge you to make representation to them on the issues I am raising. 



EXAMPLE: Every day in our community we hear of the devastating sexual violence has on women and children. These ongoing effects can be physical, mental, economic and social and permeate every aspect of our communities. 


37% of girls will be sexually abused as a child, and 23% of WA women aged 15 and older will be sexually assaulted at least once in their lifetime. WA police record about 600 sexual offences every month. We know there are significantly more cases because stigma, shame and lack of services mean 91% do not report.  Very few cases ever result in conviction, partly because of high attrition rates due to lack of supports for victim-survivors. Perpetrators of these devastating crimes are not being held to account.  


Areas of serious concern include:   

  • Inequitable access to specialist sexual assault services, with women and children in regional areas being left behind. 
  • No access in the Great Southern & Wheatbelt regions and limited access in the Kimberley region.
  • Existing specialist sexual assault services have high demand and extremely low funding levels.
  • Victim-survivors report having to travel long distances, in the clothes they were assaulted in and without the ability to shower, because of lack of access to forensic services.   
  • Victim-survivors are being left to negotiate this traumatic experience alone with limited support during the justice process leading to retraumatisation with many victim survivors opting out.
  • High rates of burnout in the specialist sexual violence workforce due to not enough funding.
  • A lack of inter-agency collaboration to ensure support for women who are raped and sexually assaulted 

Thank you for your time and advocacy on this vitally important social issue.   




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Women's Health

To (insert name here)


RE: Urgent action on women’s health


I am writing to you as my local member of Government about an issue that is of great importance to me and the community. Despite living longer than men, women experience higher rates and incidence of non-fatal health issues, leading to more years living with illness and disability.  


The Minister for Health, the Hon. Amber Jade Sanderson MLA, has committed to the health and safety of women and children in WA. As my local MP I urge you to make representation to the Minister on the importance of Women’s Community Health Services and the vital roles they play in our community. 




The Women’s Community Health Network is a lifeline for tens of thousands of women across Western Australia each year. They provide holistic, trauma-informed, wraparound care, tailored to women’s lived experiences and their health needs. 


Demand for support from the Women’s Community Health Network grows each year due to an expanding population, increasing rates and complexity of family and domestic violence and mental ill-health, and wider health system capacity constraints. 


But the ability of these services to provide support to women in WA is at risk. 


Without additional investment, many Women’s Community Health Services will be forced to close or substantially reduce services in the next 3-5 years. 


These services provide vital health care in our communities including: 

  • Safe and accessible reproductive healthcare 
  • Counselling 
  • Mental health support 
  • Family, domestic and sexual violence support 
  • Advocacy 
  • Family planning 

Thank you for your time and advocacy on this incredibly important issue. 




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